Dogs suffer massively on 'Family Dog Meat Farm'
An undercover investigation revealed agony and prolonged death for dogs at Elwood’s Organic Dog Meat, by far the biggest dog slaughtering company, producing meat from dogs for people.
Activists found puppies slowly dying in crates, out of reach of their distraught mothers, while the bodies of others rot just a few feet away.
Does this make you feel uncomfortable? Angry, even? Us, too.

Newborns Suffering & Dying out of Reach of Their Mothers
Without their mothers’ help, some puppies died slowly, enduring intense and unrelieved suffering.
Dead puppies were found decomposing just a few feet away from their mothers and siblings.

“This is tough to read.”
But the end is in sight. Stay with us to find out what you can do. No petition involved.
You see what this is about now, right?
It’s much more comfortable to imagine these things being done to pigs and their children. Pork is produced in exactly the same way, only with pigs, not dogs, so it’s absolutely fine, right?

As long as this stuff is only happening to pigs, chickens and cows, it’s fine, because they’re not dogs.

This is fine. Just not dogs, ok?

Not dogs. Fine.
You may have some concerns now about dog meat (or pig meat, or maybe animal-derived products in general). Please be assured: while ‘thumping’, crating, tail-cutting and CO2 gassing are completely legal in the UK, it happens to pigs, not dogs, which makes it not remotely problematic or immoral.
But if it did happen to dogs, you’d be angry, right? You might, say, hand out flyers trying to stop it, wouldn’t you?

This dog farm isn't real.
...But it IS a real account of horrors inflicted on thousands of intelligent, feeling pigs - and the reality for the billions of animals killed for food every year.
For most people, it’s possible to reduce or even eliminate animals from our diet. You don't have to push down feelings of guilt or inner conflict when seeing a cute baby lamb, or avoid seeing where your food comes from. You can live without causing intentional harm to animals.
We appreciate that we’ve just shown you some images you can’t unsee. But it’s a sad truth that every time we buy meat or dairy products, our money directly finances these terrible places.
To find out how you can free yourself from being part of this system, there’s help, inspiration and support at Veganuary.
To learn more about the dog meat farm, have a look at Elwood’s Organic Dog Meat.